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作者:全球先进生物能源资讯 时间:2017-6-22 16:47:00 



World Bioenergy Association (WBA) is pleased to announce the launch of WBA Global Bioenergy Statistics 2017 report. This report is the 4th in a series of statistics reports focussing on development of bioenergy on a global level. Some key findings include:

2014年,全球生物质供应量已增至59.2EJ,比上年增长2.6%。总体而言,这占全球能源供应的10.3%。 生物质供应量占可再生能源供应总量的四分之三。

In 2014, the supply of biomass globally has increased to 59.2 EJ – a 2.6% increase over the previous year. Overall, this accounted for 10.3% of the global energy supply. Biomass supply accounts for three quarters of the total renewable energy supply.

同年,可再生能源消费量增加到66.9EJ,占全球能源结构的18.6%。 较上年略有上涨0.2%。 生物能源作为最大的可再生能源,总消费量为50.5EJ,占全球能源结构的14%。

In the same year, the consumption of renewable energy sources increased to 66.9 EJ – accounting for 18.6% of the global energy mix. This shows a modest increase of 0.2% over the previous year. Bioenergy as the largest renewable energy source has an overall consumption of 50.5 EJ – 14% of the global energy mix.



In electricity sector, bioenergy is the 3rd largest renewable energy source with a generation of 493 TWh. Renewable electricity overall accounted for 23% of the overall electricity sector. Solar and wind are the fastest growing technologies with growth rates of 45.1% and 25.1% respectively.

可再生能源间接热量(发电厂产生的热量)和直接热量(直接消耗的热量)占全球的7.1%和27.7%。 可再生能源供热行业主要是以生物质为主导能源。

Renewables share in the derived heat (heat produced in power plants) and direct heat (heat consumed directly) are 7.1% and 27.7% globally. The renewable heat sector is dominated by biomass as the leading energy source.


在运输方面,进展甚微。全球运输行业只有2.8%是由液体生物燃料驱动的。 生物燃料的生产速度比电气化运输速度快。

In transportation, the progress is lacking. Only 2.8% of the global transport sector is driven by liquid biofuels. Biofuels production is growing at a rate faster than the rate of electrification of transport.


Forestry continues to be a key part of biomass supply accounting for 87% of the total biomass supply providing woodfuel, wood industry residues, recovered wood, charcoal etc. Agriculture sector contributes 10% via use of animal byproducts, agricultural byproducts and energy crops. One of the ways to increase supply from these sectors is to use the residues.

据估计至少有20.4 EJ的潜力。最后,废弃物能源回收转换每年以4%的速度增长,欧洲领先,该地区的废弃物能源回收工厂占55%。

A low theoretical estimate shows a potential of at least 20.4 EJ.  Finally, waste to energy conversion is increasing at an annual rate of 4% and Europe leads the way with 55% of all waste to energy plants in the region.

官方数据显示,全球液态生物燃料产量达到1260亿升,美洲 - 美国和巴西生产了951亿升。同时生产7530万吨蛋白质,这是生物燃料行业的另一个优势。 颗粒产量迅速增加,目前的产量为2800万吨(一年增加160万吨)。 欧洲占59%的产量。 韩国和日本是仅次于欧盟最大的颗粒进口商。 沼气生产达587亿Nm3,平均增长11.2%。 几乎一半的沼气生产在欧洲。木炭产量维持5200万吨。

Official figures show that liquid biofuels production has reached 126 billion litres globally with 95.1 billion litres produced in Americas – USA and Brazil. The simultaneous production of 75.3 million tonnes of protein is an added benefit of the biofuels industry. Pellets production is increasing rapidly with a current production volume of 28 million tonnes (1.6 million tonnes increase in a year). 59% of the production is in Europe. South Korea and Japan are the largest pellet importers after EU. Biogas production reached 58.7 billion Nm3 with an average growth rate of 11.2%. Almost half of the biogas production occurs in Europe. Charcoal production retained its production volumes of 52 million tonnes.



Finally, bioenergy sector has employed 2.8 million people, not accounting for jobs in the traditional biomass sector.


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